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    Leadership Development : Coaching : Performance : Speaking

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    Stuff we think matters

    10 Minute read A few weeks ago, Oxford Dictionaries named “Post-Truth” as it’s word of the year...
  • Arete Integral Services

    Arete brings Integral solutions, services, training and coaching in accessible, pragmatic and powerful ways to organisations and individuals. Based on an Integral foundation, Arete services are designed to enable the conscious and purposeful evolution for your personal, professional and organisational life.


    We are based in the UK and work with our clients, wherever they are in the world.


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    Leadership Development

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  • Leadership Development

    Building powerful new capacities in leaders and managers for complex challenges

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    Arete Integral Leadership Development's mission is to provide leaders with some of the most advanced human technologies available in a way that's easy to access, understand and use in every aspect of professional and personal life.


    We understand that demands on modern leadership and management are high and always increasing. With this in mind, we take a no-nonsense, evidence-based approach to our services and aim to deliver excellent outcomes every time.


    Our leadership development service is for those who are continuously raising their game, who take their own development seriously and who want to be the most relevant, insightful, effective and influential they can be.


    We meet you where you are, work with what you already have and help you to install ways of seeing and being, which can fundamentally change what is seen, what it means and results in more powerful, productive and pragmatic ways of being and doing.


    Our programmes deliver a pragmatic, experiential and immediately useful overview initially and then facilitate its implementation through our coaching service at a pace that suits you.


    Some examples of what you could gain from this programme include:

    • Make the most of change scenarios
    • Begin to author your organisations' cultural DNA instead of simply managing what's already there
    • Conquer the diversity and integration challenge
    • Deal with sticky issues like gender bias and dissonant team cultures
    • Manage divergent and contradictory groups, people and situations
    • Get sustainable and healthy peak performance for yourself, others and your organisation
    • Evolve! Consciously and purposefully, as a person, as a leader and as an organisation. 

    You're already great at what you do, you're at the top of your game, even then, what we offer will take your current excellence to the next level with a massive array of benefits. Get in touch to find out how.


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  • Coaching

    New ways of being and doing that can transform your professional and personal life

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    Coaching is about creating shifts. It's about moving ourselves in a chosen direction using everything we already think, feel and have, by carefully questioning everything we think, feel and have. Everyone can imagine better ways of being in the world and doing things. Arete coaching is the vehicle for taking those ideas and making them real - re-imagining the old and ushering in the new.


    Whether you can see clearly what you want to shift, or can only sense the need or potential for change or direction you want to follow, we can help you.


    Arete Coaching is powerful, it's integral, pragmatic and focussed on you, in your context (your inner world, e.g. thoughts, feelings and actions as well as your outer world e.g. relationships, team, organisation) and enables you to consciously shift to where you want to be. It can be critical and challenging or even downright difficult, but rest assured it's worth it. We don't offer answers or solutions, those are for you to generate, but we do offer powerful ways of helping you find them.


    If you are pro-actively looking for change, growth, new capacities, or maybe your environment is demanding it from you, coaching is often an invaluable aid and accelerator for the adaptation and evolution process, whether it's personal or organisational.

    Either on it's own, or as a part of a larger programme, coaching is about improving your professional or personal life, embedding new abilities or capacities, or taking existing ones to new levels.


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  • Performance

    Getting the best for yourself and others using what you already have!

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    Arete Performance emphasises leveraging existing capacities within people and providing them with a comprehensive and powerful methodology and framework for achieving and maintaining ecological peak performance.


    Arete performance and our Leadership Development and Coaching services work harmoniously together with Performance emphasising maximising existing capacities and capabilities to generate peak performance at a particular developmental level, while Leadership Development and Coaching emphasise developing the interior capacities and attributes that individuals, teams and organisations need in order to achieve their goals and make the most of their abilities at higher developmental levels.


    As with our other services, the Arete Performance programmes are built around your needs using a systems approach and are typically delivered in one or more group sessions with programmes ranging in length and scope according to your requirements. Participants gain concrete strategies for self-mastery and performance.


    Through our association with Performance People, we are able to offer Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) level 5 and level 7 certification for those wanting to formalise their Continuous Professional Development. These certifications, though valuable on their own can also be used as Masters-level degree credits.


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  • Speaking

    Engaging, informative and thought-provoking talks on important current developments

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    We provide informative and engaging speaking on a range of subjects to do with people. Our topics contain important ideas and research on people - what makes us how we are and how we can get to be more proactive about our own outcomes and destinations.

    We maintain an Integral approach throughout, so that, while hard science might be the subject, it will be situated within a more comprehensive framework, giving you the value of the science along with everything else that correlates with it, like it's impact on culture, behaviour and our personal views of the world.

    The purpose of our talks is to introduce and discuss big ideas and figure out what they mean for us in business particularly and life generally.

    Examples include:

    • Diversity and integration
      Corporations often experience issues with diversity, inclusion and integration whether these are based on gender representation, race, age or various orientations - even strong and opposing ideas among respected peers can be problematic. 

      We can guide you through developing your own solutions for these enormously complex situations so that you not only get the benefits from having a deeply integrated workforce, but also don't lose out on performance and other things often seen as mutually exclusive with inclusion. Many (not all) of the programmes we come across are well-funded, high-profile efforts that produce debatable value.

      In our opinion, a lot of current practice uses insufficiently complex modes of thinking that fall far short of the concrete impact and change that organisations both desire and need.
      Wouldn't it be great if diversity and inclusion stopped being a headache, no longer needed to be managed to keep the peace (or comply with the numbers) and instead became a core organisational asset? Something that grew in value and drove the business forward? Imagine people evolving to a place personally and communally where this kind of cohesion is natural, not imposed or artificial.
    • Human growth and development - how teams and people grow over time
      We often hear about people who "thrive on change" or consider themselves "adaptable". Unfortunately and almost invariably, we discover that the "change" these guys thrive on is merely the novel and the varied, which might make for interesting conversation, but has limited real value to an organisation.
      Anyone who has undergone the deep and transformative change we associate with change and growth will know that there's nothing pretty or glamorous about it - it's more often than not extremely difficult, takes time and is only beautiful in hindsight. The thriving comes, sure enough, but long after the pain of real change has passed.
      The fact is, when dramatic changes occur in our lives and in our organisations, most people stumble though them, making their way as they go and often not knowing for sure what is going on. Very few people know what's needed to consciously navigate transformative change, what it costs personally and organisationally or how to prepare folks for it or help them through it.
      It's a subject we are passionate about and take very seriously, in fact, life may as well not continue if not for the prospect of growth and development. Hear about what we (collectively) know and how you can use it to make your changes quicker, less painful, remove a lot of the fear and doubt and make the most of your big changes and growth opportunities.
    • Neuroscience
      The few pounds of grey wetware each of us has encased within our crania, that seems to be responsible for an awful lot of news these days, is something that we all should know a little about. Find out what it means for us as individuals and as groups, at work, in communities and at home. What does science have to say about us, and how we are constructed makes makes us tick, how does it show up in daily life, what can we learn about ourselves and others, what does it mean for leaders and managers in organisations? How can the scientific view inform practice without reducing everyone to cogs in a machine and so on.
    • Coaching cultures
      What do you and your organisation have to gain from including a coaching approach in your repertoire? Why is the adoption of the coaching approach being incorporated into the majority of organisations? What benefits are they able to realise as a result? Answers to these questions are highly likely to provide a surprise or two.
    • Integral (and developmental) Theory
      Presented in a highly accessible and experiential format, we offer a plain-language users-guide to one of the most powerful ways of thinking available. Integral isn't for everyone for a number of reasons, however, if you're ready to hear it, you will probably never look back.
      This is our favourite subject and if you are a fan of Ken Wilber, it's likely one of yours too. 
      If you want to get people talking or your own mind thinking in completely new ways, Integral is going to do it. It might sound grandiose but there isn't a sphere of life that Integral can't see into, or at an absolute minimum, inform. A common comment is "I wish I'd known this stuff 20 years ago!"

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  • About Arete Integral

    Arete works with a handful of associates, each an expert in their field

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    Colin Wood

    Arete Director and Chief Integral Officer

    My passion for understanding how people grow originated in coaching sessions of my own, nearly 20 years ago as a young manager. What began back then was a process, not only of understanding and co-operating with personal and professional change at the time, but one that allowed the assimilation of change as a phenomenon and an ever-present force into life itself.

    Some people manage to grow gracefully and apparently effortlessly - I am not one of them. Gaining developmental altitude is hard and pointless without purpose.

    No one can be forced to change at any time or in any way, and I understand why some people won't, however, for those who want to make changes, those who can't avoid it or who can't stay as they are, help can be invaluable, and this is where Arete is a powerful ally.

    We know what this process is like, we know a lot about how it happens, what to expect, what can be gained and how to remove a lot of the pain, fear and unnecessary time from the process. We know how to engineer change without breaking people or organisations and we know how to manage and measure it.

    Growth is an amazing opportunity - make the most of it with Arete.


    I bring 20+ years of experience in consulting, management and leadership in about a dozen industries, two masters degrees, one in coaching and mentoring and the other in business (MBA) as well as several other qualifications - I take my craft seriously, and I work with a network of outstanding people who do too. We believe that making changes to lives, whether individuals or groups is about as important as it gets, so we keep our standards high.


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